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Cyber Events: Learn From Each Other

Knowledge is one of the best defenses against Cyber Attacks.

The latest MEL Cyber Risk Task Force Bulletin “Cyber Events: Learn From Each Other,” presents two real cases of ransomware attacks in NJ, one on a municipality and the other on a police department, and the claims process they experienced. 

Since the MEL’s Risk Management programs are shaped based on real events both locally and nationally, the message is simple:  “We are, and need to be, constantly learning from each other.”  

Click here to read more and see what you can learn and get valuable tips to protect your public entity. 

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Third Party Vulnerabilities

In the movie “The Rock,” Sean Connery and team made their way into the drainage tunnels of Alcatraz to breach the prison.  Despite its high walls and rocky cliffs, the drainage tunnels were a necessary weakness of operating the prison.  In so many more movies about breaches of castles or prisons, it is common to see tunnels (or even a wooden horse gift from “your friends”) as the chink in the protective chain.  We have these same necessary weaknesses in cybersecurity.  They are known as Third Party Vulnerabilities.

For more information click here to download the latest Cyber Task Force Bulletin about Third Party Vulnerabilities.


Beware of Tax Season Scams

Cyber criminals are certainly aware it’s tax season, and you should be too.  Cyber criminals are trying to dupe you into believing you are sending them a legitimate tax document, or they are calling you to convince you they are tax examiners and need your personal information.  BE CAUTIOUS! 

  • Is the emailer’s address really what it looks like?  
       Right-click to see full email address.
  • Is that link really going where it says it’s going?  
        Right-click to see full web address.
  • Is that caller really from the IRS?  
        Hang up and call the IRS yourself with the phone number you find online. 

Check out the tax tips and action plan resources offered by the Center for Internet Security, and review the MEL’s “Email Dos & Don’ts” infographic.