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According to a report authored by the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, unnecessary, prolonged work absence can cause significant harm to a worker’s well-being. Workers who are on extended disability often lose social relationships with co-workers, as well as the self-respect and self-esteem that comes from earning a living.

For many workers, their job is part of their identity, and being kept away by illness or injury is a very stressful experience. By allowing a more accelerated return to work and more significant support during recovery, transitional duty programs can help employees reduce the stress and disruption that injuries or illness cause in their daily lives, leading to better recovery. 

Transitional Duty programs offer time-limited, modified and meaningful work assignments to employees who, due to an on the job injury or illness, have been rendered temporarily incapable of meeting the physical demands of their usual duties. These assignments are modified to accommodate the physical limitations imposed by injury or illness, as determined by medical professionals involved in the care of the worker.
